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Alas! We, humanoids, never learned to live our own soul. -- (W)ho(l)ly truth is half-hidden under jobery-belightened alphabet soup.

Since kindergarten, we all are heaven-mandate Wisdom-test Game Plan I allured to following JosephNet into modernised Biblical Egypt >> copycatting jobery-benighted PHD, MA, BA lords of the (IMF TA taskmaster) rings >> co-facading 2P2C PARISM devolutioned metaphysical culture >> installing geothermal K-links softwares >> googling for only materialism objected uni+verse IT >> updating HB OS+malign, nympho, saddo, sadducee, jealousy, bigotry, marring, peripheral portcallis blocking add-ins >> locking off HG OS in alternative-dialectic TTT surrealism acid-reflux boomerangs >> tormentedly suffering 4.8-million cells meiosis-mutation daily >> completely ignore embodying our own wealthy soul online bioNet.

Habits are at first pro(before)verbs ionised cobwebs, then verbs iconised cables. -- Life dis+eases unalight in what you hold, and ever+eases alight in circulating what you have co-building autodynamic panacean partner Ark/ Solomonic living lifers connection. -- “The biggeest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it”. ~ Michelangelo

Eve/ Adam IT Interface: Humankind's BIOS intentively downloads God's celestial HG OS to rule his intellect's astral HB OS, living leisurely nanomutating, fortune-wheeling, involuting the circulatory flows of "The Sacred tells the practical <> The practical informs the Sacred". Mankind used to be always living on this angel's coupled bi(bu)ble-feeling OS before schooling. Grownups occassionally resume -- only we don't know we know and don't know we don't know -- the crux of ignorance & causes of all problems.

อันตรายถ้าไม่ย้ายแลปชีวิต This OMYIAMEDA Webring portal site perks your visionary feeling kingdom closer to get lifted on board Aesop Mice Fellows' secluded sun, moon, host homo sapient metacultural radiances -- in order (when time comes) not to A_lianly TTT cultural crashes unaware. Unless you're just a comet visitor in general, too ignorant to get lifted co-pivoting UPOL ping pong engendering the host-moon-sun spontaneous-interdependency (fredom) evolutions.

Into the same "Birds of feather" rule as other flocks, mice spiritual maukifs flexibly epicenter above and between righteous universalism and lefteous hedonism -- selectively free only some few voluntary, teachable, profound listening surrealist lions committed to practicing detachments. Heaven on earth prepares no room for hedonistic fighters and patriotic heroes. "Pity, frugality, never be No.1 in any circle". ~ Lao Tzu

The Lord of the Lords of the Rings/ the King of Kings
"Seeking differences, you find wars or calamities. Searching for similitudes, you communally find peace, happiness, and wealth." ~ Ralph Peterson

Celestialism-perked Love: HG (Tao/ universalNet WIFI) OS is

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Saturday, July 28, 2007



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Transcendentally Beyond Multiplied Grid locks

Mentor Ralph Peterson, through over 30 years of living a Scientialis Life Lab life, came up with light age individual life, family life, ecological socioeconomic life, international socioeconomic life holistic resolution, not as a scholar, philosopher, or shamanic theologian, but as a sacrifice practitioner leaving an ever-growing demo communal life labs galaxy as evidence after he die -- to leverages and guide us on quest for the way out of the Heaven Mandatory Wisdom-test Game Plan on the way to live ever-updating life force, intuitive wisdom, and hi-touch influences – the Spirit’s trinity of mighty of mature manifestation of that automates spontaneity, simulteneity of practical caring and sharing pervading human(ity) being down to earth – breaking through, simply, the default game plan’s gimmicks.

Whosever mind’s eye sees through experiences in life with unalterable Communal will embraces the truth by touching unfailing success in all areas of life that the Sprit’s trinity might, is blessed to (and through) life down to earth alive for (and optimizing through) manifesting culturally duplication (trajectory) of co-creation, co-invention, co-innovation of scientialis life labs to live studying > practicing spontaneity, simultaneity, automacy of bringing about greater and greater practical communal happiness and wellness caring, sharing, by co-inventing a global peocess of co-manifesting ever-increasing, everlasting communal abundance of peace, happiness, love, absolute freedom, and recreational passive-income on ecological socioeconomic circulatory system.